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Analytics for Todoist

Get a comprehensive look at your Todoist task activity.

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Boost your productivity with data insights! Get a full view of your Todoist tasks and track productivity trends. The Analytics for Todoist dashboard offers a quick overview of your task activity.

Check completed tasks, completion rate, daily averages, top projects, and more. Explore detailed charts like heatmaps, moving averages, and project-specific time series. Discover your peak productivity times by analyzing common task completion hours and days.


  • See metrics like completed tasks, completion rate, daily task average, most active project, and more.

  • See your completed tasks over a period of time. You can arrange the chart by days, weeks, or months.

  • Get a breakdown of your projects and task priorities.

  • Dive deeper into task trends and analyze how your completed tasks are trending with a 3-day and 7-day moving average.

  • See when you are most productive by analyzing the most common hours of the day and days of the week you complete tasks.

Todoist Pro gives you the power to get it all done

Remember everything with reminders, keep track of as many projects as you need, make it look good with Pro Themes, and a lot more.

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