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The Zeigarnik Effect

In the 1920s, Russian psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik observed an odd thing. While dining out, she was impressed by the complex orders the wait staff was…

The Zeigarnik Effect

How to Cook More at Home in 2024

How to Cook More at Home in 2024

Cooking at home is really freaking hard. Even with the modern-day miracles of boneless skinless chicken breasts and instapots, preparing your own meals requires an…

The Complexity Bias

Why choose a simple explanation when a complex one will do? Complexity bias describes our tendency to prefer complicated explanations and solutions over simple ones.…

The Complexity Bias

How to Track Your Health With Todoist

How to Track Your Health With Todoist

Good health doesn’t happen by accident. It requires a little planning, occasional checkups, and smart daily decisions. But between succeeding at work, maintaining meaningful relationships,…

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